From purses to handbags, every woman handpicks each one of her leather bags. So, it is natural to want those bags to last a lifetime. With a little bit of maintenance, your leather bags will stay with you for decades. From specialist cleaning to small repairs, here’s everything you need to know about looking after them. Whether it’s a Fendi Tote Bag or any other designer bag, follow these tips to maintain them: Regular cleaning with a soft cloth or brush will effectively remote the dust. Airing out leather frequently is a must or else dampness can spoil it. In case the bag comes in contact with any type of moisture, blot it away at the earliest. You can buy a leather conditioner and apply it on your bags once in 3 months. Never machine wash your pretty leather bags or any leather goods. Avoid ironing the bag or immersing it in water. Conclusion So, now you know how to look after the authentic replica of your Fendi Crossbody Bag . Even if it seems like a chore, routine cleaning is...